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Soutien du chagrin
Valerie Weimer
Né àPennsylvania
18 years
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L'arbre Généalogique
Avril 11, 1983


Avril 11, 1984
Val and her keys
Avril 11, 1987

Val and her new swing set




Novembre 19, 1999


Valerie Weimer 
English 3rd Period
Ms. Haberl
Due 11-19-1999
Final Copy – 96%

     My name is Valerie Weimer. I was born on April 11th, 1983, at 10:48am at Mercy Hospital in Johnstown. I weighed five pounds, six ounces and was only eighteen inches tall.
     By the time I was two weeks old, I weighed five pounds, seven and a half ounces. My Mom says it took me a whole year before I smiled for the first time. At two months, I could turn over, and by the time I was four months old I could sit up and crawl. With help, I could stand up at six months. I was seven months old when I took my first tub bath. At first I was scared, but then I loved it. Until this day, I love the water and love to swim. My first word was "Dada" at seven and a half months.
     At my first birthday party there were many aunts, uncles, grandparents, and close friends of my parents. I got a lot of presents, but my favorites were my stuffed doll and my plastic keys. My Mom says I was only a year old and I already couldn't wait to drive! I had a lot of fun smashing my chocolate cake and throwing it all over the floor.
     My first solid foods were mashed potatoes and eggs. I loved fruit, and I hated meat, but now I love meat and only eat fruit occasionally. I don't really have many early memories of my own, but my Mom said when I was little, I cut my toe, and I said I was "ketchuping". She also said I used to call the Easter Bunny , the "Beaster Bunny".
     My earliest memory was my fourth birthday. I got a brand new swing set. I was so happy. I love getting presents. That's probably why I love Christmas so much. In fact, I loved Christmas so much, that I used to sneak into my mom's closet every year to find out what I was going to get. She never knew it until I told her a few months ago. She laughed, and said I was a brat.
     I think I liked to give presents as much as I like to get them. Every year in school, we used to have Santa's Secret Shop, and I used to buy my gifts there for everybody. Every year I'd go home and give my Mom her present, and I'd go tell my Pap about the wrenches that he's gonna get for Christmas. Until this day, I almost always give my Mom her presents early.
     My Mother and I lived in Ebensburg all my life until I was fourteen. I went to school at Central Cambria, where I joined the band in fourth grade. In fifth grade, I joined basketball, and I played until seventh grade. I also joined the chorus that year. I auditioned to sing Mariah Carey's song at the school concert, and to my surprise, three of my friends and I got the part. I'll never forget how nervous I was.
     My Mom and Dad got married on September 17th, and got divorced exactly two years later on the same date. My Mom had dropped out of school to have me, but then she went back and got her GED. She went to college at I.U.P. for seven years to become a psychologist. She just graduated in May with high honors. During the summer between eighth and ninth grade, we moved to Clymer, so it would be closer to her college.
     I miss Central Cambria a lot. I had my first boyfriend in fifth grade. I would swim everyday and during the school year, my friends and I used go to Stoogies (a pizza place) and hang out. My teachers at Central Cambria were so friendly. My band teacher, Mr. Arcurrio was so cool, he was really funny, and he always made me laugh. I played the clarinet for four years (4-8 grade). Another cool teacher I had was the librarian, Mrs. Daldoss. My best friend Andrea and I used to go see her everyday in study hall. We were her favorite students, and she used to give us candy and bring us sodas everyday.
     Now I live in Clymer, and I still see my friends occasionally. We still have a lot of fun when we do hang out. It's just hard to get around to seeing them now. I just got my license recently, and I'm working at Fox's Pizza to save up for a car.
     My plans for the future are to attend college. I'm not sure what I want to be yet. I was thinking of becoming an Elementary Education teacher or a nurse. Whatever I decide to do, I want to get through college with good grades and a good attitude just like my Mom.